Pouring concrete at the Mangapapa dam site

Because of limited accessibility to the dam site the concrete had to be bucketed in by crane, for the western side of the dam.The concrete was poured into moulds, as illustrated.

Mangapapa Dam June 1978

The pieces of steel lying on the
concrete in the foreground are
items of scaffolding.

Mangapapa Dam diversion tunnel - Octopber 1978

The downstream side of the
diversion tunnel was concreted
underneath before dismantling.

Pneumatically operated rock drill

Rock bolts were extensively placed to secure the rock face in the narrow gorge downstream of the dam. The dam can be seen in the background.



Lake Mangapapa Dam Overflowing in 1979

Work on Lower Mangapapa Station commenced in 1976, the station being commissioned in April, 1979. This scheme consists of a 27 metre high concrete arch dam in a narrow ignimbrite gorge about 500 metres upstream of Lake McLaren. Lake Mangapapa extends as far as the tailrace of Lloyd Mandeno Station and has an area of approximately 17 hectares.

Mangapapa dam site - October 1977


The photo on the left shows initial excavations for the concrete body of the dam. The diversion tunnel is visible on the river bed.

Several ladders and walkways to give site access to the workmen can be seen. On the far side of the river (Eastern side), a concrete pump was used to fill the steel formers when required.

For work on the western side the crane was extensively used to carry materials to and from the excavation site.

Mangapapa Dam April 1979