TABAJIN BAY AND TUBAHIN ISLANDTabajin Bay, on the south coast, near the eastern end of Lubang Island can afford a sheltered anchorage for small boats in heavy northeast weather. Landing may be made on a sandy beach at the head of the bay, from whence a trail leads to a small village, distant about 2 kilometers. In December 2013 I revisited Looc and Tabajin Bay on the back of Arnel De Lara's motorcycle and Myrna on another. We had previously visited it in 2010. There is a an approximately 3 kilometer vehicle track from the town of Looc to Tabajin Bay. Guides are available from the Looc Municipal Hall. Later the track will be upgraded to a gravel road. Rocks have been collected at the beach access point in preparation for this. At the seaward entrance to the bay there are many interesting rock formations and Myrna has illustrated a few shown below. In my opinion Tabajin Bay is an attractive location and well worth a visit. |